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To Our Residents, Families & Friends

Tom Pollock

Heroes Walk Through These Doors!

We have a new sign posted outside by our entrance off Zilla. In red, white and blue our sign states “Heroes Walk Though These Doors”. We are so proud of our staff who are truly heroes who walk through our doors to take care of our residents! We all know that it is hard on our residents and their families when in-person visits cannot happen because of the COVID-19 virus. Our heroes ARE the family and friend to each of our residents. Our heroes leave their families to come and take care of our precious residents. We have our Therapeutic Recreation (TR) staff using iPads to connect our residents with their families. The smiles from both the residents and families make us feel great just seeing the connection. We have posted several of these moments on Facebook so more family and friends can see their resident.

Our residents still have Friday Happy Hour, in their doorway. Our TR staff go door to door with a cart full of beverages and snacks even with social distancing.

Our state association, Care Providers of MN also stated that, “The reality is that all of us senior care workers, regardless of our positions, are going to work every day because we are essential, because our residents are counting on us and because we know the importance of our jobs.”

We Still Have Zero Positive Cases

Our goal has been to keep the virus out of our building and as of April 30th, we have succeeded! All staff, are screened when they come to work, including getting their temperature taken. If they pass, they can proceed to the staff lounge where they wash their hands with soap and water before they touch the timeclock! When supplies are delivered, the containers are sprayed down with a disinfectant prior to bringing them through the building.

We continue to follow the recommendations from the CDC and the MN Dept. of Health. We finally received our first supply of N-95 masks from the health department. We will use those if we have a positive case.

Thank You Families and Friends!

I want to personally thank the families and friends of our residents for being so understanding in this unprecedented situation. I was so used to seeing many of you come to visit and just like that… can’t. Thank you for staying home so our residents and staff can stay healthy!

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